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Obesity Write for Us – Submit and Contribute Post

Obesity Write for Us

obesityObesity is a chronic condition with multiple causes that result in excess body fat and, in some cases, poor health. Of course, body fat is not a disease in and of itself. However, if your body has too much additional fat, it can alter how it functions. These alterations are gradual, can worsen with time, and can have negative health consequences.

What Causes Obesity?

it is a disease that arises when a person’s body collects and stores abnormally large body fat. it causes by a variety of reasons, including:

Genetics: According to studies, genetics play a role in 40-70% of obesity. Hundreds of genes link to obesity, and some genetic alterations are known to cause obesity directly. However, having genes that predispose you to fat does not guarantee that you will get the disease.

Nutrition: There is growing evidence that not all calories are created equal. Certain foods, such as refined carbs and harmful saturated fats, contribute more to obesity than others.

Hormonal imbalances: it causes by hormonal imbalances in numerous metabolic mechanisms. Insulin resistance, which allows the body to digest sugar improperly, has been strongly linked to obesity.

Medication: Many prescription drugs, including most antidepressants, steroids, contraceptives, and pharmaceuticals used to treat diabetes, hypertension, migraines, seizures, bipolar disorder, allergies, insomnia, and other conditions, have been linked to weight gain.

Environment: Family, culture, and even where you live can all play a role in the development of obesity.

Sleep: it can cause by disruption and sleeping for fewer than 7 hours or more than 9 hours. it is also linked to sleep apnea, a breathing disorder that can prevent people from obtaining enough sleep.


Excess weight can be difficult on the entire body. Obesity and excess weight associate with more than 50 health conditions. These diseases and conditions can reduce your quality of life and frequently consider obesity-related. It is critical to discuss these conditions with your healthcare physician.

  • Not every obese person develops an obesity-related condition.
  • The more weight you have, the more likely you may acquire obesity-related diseases.
  • Early detection and treatment of health problems are better for your overall health.
  • Weight loss of 5-10% helps mitigate the impact of obesity-related disorders.

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Search Terms Related to Obesity Write for Us


Body fat

Body mass index


Cardiovascular diseases

Type 2 diabetes

Obstructive sleep apnea

Endocrine disorders

Dietary fiber

Genetic susceptibility

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