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Cancer Write for Us

Cancer occurs when the body’s usual regulation mechanism fails. it is defined as the abnormal cell growth of abnormal cells in the body. Old cells do not die but produce uncontrollably, developing new, abnormal cells. These excess cells can combine to form a tissue mass called a tumor. Some cancers, like leukemia, do not produce tumors.

What Is The Cancer Stage?

When cancer is detected, tests are performed to determine the size of the tumor and whether it has spread from its primary site. This is referred to as the cancer stage.

A lower stage (such as stage 1 or 2) indicates that it has not progressed widely. A higher number (such as stage 3 or 4) suggests that it has spread further. The fourth stage is the most advanced.

The cancer stage is critical in determining the appropriate treatment for a person. Consult with your doctor about the stage of your cancer.

How Does Cancer Start In Your Body?

it arises when one or more genes mutate and form cancerous cells. These cells combine to generate cancer clusters or tumors. Cancerous cells may break away from tumors and move to other parts of your body via your lymphatic system or bloodstream. (Doctors call this metastasis.)

Abnormal cells in your bone marrow produce abnormal blood cells that multiply uncontrollably in some types of blood cancer. The aberrant cells eventually push out the normal blood cells. For example, a tumor in your breast may move to your lungs, making it difficult for you to breathe.

How Common Is it?

For decades, the average rate of new cases in the United States has been progressively declining, but this does not mean that cancer is no less frequent. The National Cancer Institute estimates that approximately 39.5 percent of all men and women in the US will be diagnosed with cancer at some point.

Some cancers are more prevalent than others, with the following listed as the most common in the United States at the moment:

While most cancers are declining, specific forms, such as melanoma, have increased in the last several decades.

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Abnormal cell growth



Benign tumors

Weight loss

Bowel movements



Lack of physical activity

Excessive drinking

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